“Much of my artwork reflects a fascination with cultural artifacts, especially discarded objects and their potential symbolic value. As forms within compositions these things might offer meanings and insights into the human condition. Most often I interpret these things into marble. Through this transformation these objects might serve as symbols from the past or as archetypal forms of contemporary society.
Time effects perception and perspective. I take a self-conscious approach to art making. All things have origins. Old things might obtain value simply by their age, but more importantly, this selective process, by virtue of the object's symbolic importance, can tell us something about our culture. Sometimes the prestige of an object is related to what it signifies.”
1958 Born in Saynatsalo, Finland
1984 BA California State University, Chico
1995 MFA Bowling Green State University, Ohio
1989-94 Artisan for multiple stone carving laboratories in Pietrasanta, Italy
1991-93 Sculpture Instructor Temple University in Rome
1992-2005 Sculpture and Drawing Instructor Studio Art Centers International, Florence, Italy
2005-07 3-D Design Instructor California State University, Chico
2008-2017 Stone Carving Instructor Istituto veneto per I beni culturali, Venice, Italy